How To Write a Screenplay – Do you need Structure?

If you’re learning how to write a script you may have asked yourself. “Do you really need Story Structure?” There seem to be two main arguments. One side screams: Screenplay structure leads to formulaic stories. Don’t waste time learning structure. While the other side screams: Poor screenplay structure leads to slack paceing and stories that lack focus. Let’s discuss the pros and Cons of using structure in your script.

How to Find A Theme

Many people find the notion of a theme confusing and even abstract. Let’s start off with the generally accepted definition of what a theme is and work our way up from there. We discuss examples of themes,the difference between a theme and a subject, and ways to find a theme.

Themes can also be an extremely helpful tool in the writing process once you understand how to use them.

What Makes A Good Story?

For filmmakers and Screenwriters. We discuss one of the most popular questions. What makes a good story? If you ask 20 different people this question you’ll get 20 different answers.

the reality is, just because you have an idea for a story doesn’t necessarily make it a story worth telling. There are certain time-tested ingredients that should be present in a story to make it engaging for an audience.