How I shoot B-roll – My Techniques and Tricks

Let’s talk filmmaking tips and tricks. Here’s what I use to get B-roll. For those who are new to filmmaking, your A-roll is the footage of your subject speaking while your B-roll is the footage you cut away to. you can usually hear the subject’s voice over in the A-roll while you see something different on the screen.

Usually the B-roll is related to whatever is being discussed in the A-roll. B-roll is super important as we typically use it to spice things up visually. Check out the video to see my techniques for getting B-roll.

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MASTERING compositioin + Cinematography with Will Smith

We cover composition and framing techniques for filmmaking, the aesthetic of beauty, the rule of thirds, headroom, leadroom, and more. As with everything in life nothing can truely be mastered but with a lot of practice we can get pretty darn close.

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